Staking Guide
Last updated
Last updated
Master's words:
"If you need a guide to stake tokens, maybe you should go work at OrcDonald instead of wasting my time. Here is your bloody guide."
You can buy tokens here:
Always make sure to verify it's the correct contract:
On the staking page, there is a button on top right, it's written "Connect", hopefully you know english.
Ok it gets more complicated, now you need to be good at math. You need to decide how many tokens you need to stake. The amount need to be equal or less than the amount of tokens you hold. Then you click the "Stake GOBLIN" button.
Please make sure to verify it's the correct contract before approving the transaction:
You're done and should see the amount of tokens you just staked displayed in the dashboard. Additionally, you're able to unstake tokens anytime without fees (or stake more without fees).